Many people worldwide are looking to gain English language proficiency status, which is more important than ever with over 1.35 billion speakers of English. In order to gain employment, move countries, and study, you will more often than not need a demonstrable level of proficiency in English. 

In this article, we’re going to break down the levels for you, so you can see where your proficiency skills are currently, tips on how to prepare for and pass your exam, and the different services that we offer to help you and your employees navigate the world of English proficiency examinations. 

CEFR levels – What are they?

The Common European Framework Reference For Languages or CEFR is the standardized European scheme of testing a learner’s language level in about 40 different languages. 

Although there are many different placement and proficiency tests on the market, CEFR levels are considered the best way to assess a candidate’s language level properly, and all reputable companies work alongside this framework to adequately examine their students. 

CEFR level – What is my level? 

There are 6 recognized CEFR levels grouped into three varied sections; Basic, Independent, and Proficient. These three groups are then divided further into sublevels to identify the learner’s language proficiency as seen below:

As you can see, the different language levels correspond to the learners’ proficiency in the target language and range from basic understanding to highly proficient. 

What do I need to do before taking a proficiency exam?

To take any test, whether for work, school, or personal reasons, it’s important to feel confident and prepared. Here we’ve got 5 tips to help you and your candidates’ feel self-assured;

1. Look at the format of the test you’re going to take 

With so many proficiency tests out there, it’s essential to know what the structure will look like so you don’t feel thrown off. At BSET, we clearly outline the design of our test here.

2. Practice makes perfect

The best way to learn a language is through exposure; with various resources available, there are many ways in which you can prepare yourself. Whether you’re more of a visual learner, auditory, tactical, or didactic, look at exposing yourself to English and native English speakers.

An idea might be to listen to podcasts on topics that interest you, listen to audiobooks or read books you’re already familiar with. You can practice your writing skills by creating short stories or even sending emails in English. 

Many companies use English to communicate, so it’s fundamental that you can write in different styles and formalities. 

3. Take the complimentary practice exam! 

If your test center or company offers a practice test, don’t hesitate! If you schedule it a little bit before the official exam, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses and therefore work on the things you need to.                                            

It’s best to check where you are and where you want to be, then you can study with purpose! 

4. Use the resources available to you

With language exchanges, social events, and community lessons available almost everywhere, online and off, now is the best time to use those resources. If you’re planning on taking a proficiency exam, take a moment to research possible events, teachers, and even course books that will help you. 

5. Take your time and remember why you’re taking the exam 

This one is less of a practical tip for passing the exam but general advice. You will perform better on your exam if you’re confident and at ease. 

Plan some fun things to do around your exam, take your time over the information given, and most importantly, remember where the result can take you and why you’re doing it in the first place. 

Bright Standard Learning System – What can we offer?

At BSET, we are very proud to declare that our proficiency exam is accredited by IAQLS (International Accreditation for Quality Language Services), EHEA (Europeans Agency for Higher Education and Accreditation), and ECICEL (European Centre of Independent Certification in E-Learning). 

BSET is also an International affiliated member of AERA (American International Research Association) and an Institutional member of ILTA (International Language Testing Association) and ICC (The International Language Association).

Our system is recognized and designed to properly incorporate all four key language acquisition skills to evaluate candidates’ proficiency and consists of a 107-minute exam. 

Everyone has a different reason or aim for taking a language proficiency exam, and these reasons will differ depending on where you are, what you want and who you are. Therefore we’ve created flexible schemes for businesses, schools, and individuals. 

English for Business

Our English Proficiency test is designed for businesses to get the best out of their employees and to assess their language skills quickly, efficiently, and comprehensively. We have created an on-the-spot system, making it highly accessible and adaptable for your needs. 

In a world full of great global companies, BSET offers a competitive assessment that guarantees your employees will be prepared to communicate effectively with team members and customers worldwide. 

What are you waiting for? Improve your hiring process and grow your global business with Bright Standard English Test. 

English for Education Organizations

At BSET, we are passionate about improving and giving institutes the ability to make informed decisions on admissions. We offer an on-demand test, which allows you to check a candidates’ results within 72 hours of submission.

It is designed to assess all four language proficiency skills needed to evaluate a learners’ real-world communicative abilities in English appropriately. 

Get off on the right foot with BSET!

English for Test Takers

Our BSET developed test is for you! We have carefully constructed a thorough, verified exam directly aligned with the Common European Framework for Language, meaning you can show potential employers and educational organizations just what you can do!